Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Bible Foretold Many False Prophets Would Come

2nd Peter 2:1-3, “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.”

False prophets are nothing new, but the inspired Scripture tells us that in the Last Days that not just a few, but “many” false prophets shall rise, deceiving and being deceived. Matthew 24:11, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” Although this passage speaks of the coming 7-year Tribulation period, we are already seeing many false teachers arise in this generation. The list is simply too long to name of popular false teachers in our time, but a few such ungodly names are: John MacArthur, Ray Comfort, Paul Washer, John Piper, Marty Herron, Jeff Redlin, Gary Walton, Timothy Zacharias, Steve Pettit, Chuck Phelps, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, et cetera.

Look at the Satanic trash that Pensacola Christian College's Campus Church mailed me yesterday!!! PCC is sinfully preaching another gospel, which perversion cannot produce the new birth by the Holy Spirit of God. It is tragic that PCC today preaches the same damnable heresy contained in the Devil's modern Bible revisions. How ironic! PCC uses only the inspired King James Bible, yet they have adopted and embrace the false doctrines propagated by the Devil's bibles. The fallacy that a lost sinner must “turn from your sinful bad habits” to get to Heaven is the Devil's lie taught in the new corrupt Bible versions. But you won't find any such nonsense taught in the blessed King James Bible.

It saddens my heart that from nearly every pulpit, television channel, radio station, religious college and social media platform today, a works-based-salvation is being preached. ...
2nd Timothy 4:2-4, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
When I post a picture of a puppy with a Bible verse, I get 50 likes on Facebook; but when I tell THE TRUTH that Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is pulling on the same rope as the Devil by preaching a counterfeit plan of salvation, I am fortunate to receive 2 likes. The Bible foretold that in these last days people who no longer tolerate sound doctrine. Instead, they have itching ears, only supporting what they feel like hearing.

They have turned their ears away from hearing THE TRUTH and instead have turned unto fables. The Greek word for “fables” here is muthos, meaning: a tale, that is, fiction. The Devil's lies of Lordship Salvation, misunderstood repentance and false bibles are all fiction). Most churchgoers today are mere sponges, absorbing whatever they are taught, whether it be doctrinally sound or perverse. Guard your soul dear reader, because today's pulpits in nearly every case are corrupt. Calvinism is NOT the Gospel. This damnable heresy has crept into nearly every church today to some extent.

I am as John the Baptist, a voice crying in the Wilderness. Americans are notorious for our arrogance, haughty price and stubbornness, having little or no humility. And what little humility we Americans seem to superficially display is a mere chip on our shoulder, ready to blow up on someone the minute they offend us, or have a bad day. That is not being Christlike. We should be slow to anger, full of compassion, and gentle toward others at all times.

The Holy Bible prophesied that “perilous times would come (2nd Timothy 3:1-7), a time when people will no longer tolerate sound Bible doctrine (i.e., the truth). My preaching is not very popular lately. Most of my web and blog visitors couldn't care less about the heresies of wrong repentance or Lordship Salvation, or that Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and Bob Jones University (BJU) are both preaching these damnable heresies. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

I challenge you dear reader, if you are guilty of not caring about the evils which I have mentioned in this blog, that you will do some homework to investigate the things I say. Go check what the religious cults teach about Bible repentance to get to Heaven. You will find that those who preach that you must “turn from your sins” to be saved, are teaching the same exact wicked trash as all the cults do. For example: Here is what the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's) teach...
So, what does "accepting" Jesus really mean? Is it a one-time act of faith, or is it a continuing way of life? Must our belief be strong enough to motivate us to action? Can we really accept the benefits of Jesus' sacrifice without the responsibility of following him?

SOURCE: Have You Been Saved? - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Website
Here is another heretical JW quote on salvation...
Salvation is a free gift from God. It cannot be earned. Yet it does require effort on our part.

SOURCE: What Must We Do to Be Saved? - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Website
And still here is another heretical JW quote on salvation...
Thus, "accepting Christ" involves far more than just accepting the blessings that Jesus' superlative sacrifice offers. Obedience is required. ... So we must do more than simply hear and believe.

SOURCE: What Must We Do to Be Saved? - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Website
BLASPHEMY!!! Do you see how the Satanic JW's subtly mix works with grace? This is what Pensacola Christian College is also doing, mixing words with grace.

On page 62 of the “John & Romans” booklet (which Campus Church recently mailed to me and other residents of the city of Pensacola in November of 2023), showing people how to get to Heaven, they errantly require you to pray:
“I repent of my sins. I realize that sin is something that God hates and I no longer want to hold onto sinful bad habits.”

SOURCE: “John & Romans,” Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, p. 62
PCC's Campus Church is guilty of preaching a false Gospel. Who cares, right? Well, I care. I don't care if I have 2 blog visitors left, I won't stop preaching against the wickedness in our ungodly corrupt churches and Bible colleges today. Somebody has got to care! Thank you for reading.

Beware Of Dogs In The Pulpit

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The Bible Foretold That False Prophets Would Come

Matthew 24:11, “ And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. ” 1st John 4:1, “ Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try th...