Thursday, January 11, 2024

What Do I Think About Israel And Hamas Today?

Regarding Israel, I think what they are doing to the Palestinians is evil. Israel's wicked president Benjamin Netanyahu in October 2023 referred to the 2,400,000 Palestinian people in Gaza as "human animals." Netanyahu is an unsaved hellbound monster. Israel's thug soldiers have so far murdered over 23,000 innocent poor Palestinian people living in Gaza.

It utterly disgusts me that so many Baptist churches today blindly support Israel, no matter how many innocent people they genocide. I DO NOT SUPPORT ISRAEL! I support Palestine in this conflict, because they are the true victims. The present-day manmade state of Israel since 1948 have successfully prevented the Palestinian people from forming their own sovereign state in Palestine. They just want their own nation and government, not to continually be occupied as livestock by Israel. The Palestinian people have been surviving in a cruel tyrannical police state since 1948. Since 1948 over 100,000 Palestinians have been ruthlessly murdered by the Jews in Israel.

Last month when three men surrendered, waving white flags, Israeli soldiers shot them dead in cold blood. Those ungodly murderous soldiers enraged with hate through the three men were Palestinians. In fact, they were Jews! That is poetic justice! I am not glad that those three men died, I am glad that while those wicked Jewish soldiers thought they were murdering Arabs, they turned out to be their own Jewish people! Shame on them for murdering innocent men who were surrendering!

I think as Christians that our proper attitude is that BOTH Jews and Arabs need Jesus Christ. Sadly, only 1.9% of Jews in Israel profess faith in Christ. In Palestine only about 1% of Arabs profess faith in Christ. The whole region is Christless. I am 100% against religious Zionism which idolizes the future Kingdom of Israel, instead of emphasizing preaching the Gospel of God's Kingdom. Present-day Israel is manmade. It is not the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I fully agree with Pastor J. Vernon McGee (1904-1988) that Israel is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy today, and is no different than any other heathen nation.

I love the Jewish people and am not anti Semite, God forbid. But I am anti-corruption and I am against genocide. The United States is a proxy (whore) of Israel. Jews do control our government, media, Hollywood and politics in this country. President Joe Biden is a nobody; he's just a puppet on a string who does the evil bidding of his Luciferian masters. Literally, Biden keeps telling Israel to aim better. What a sad joke! Israel has launched thousands of deadly missiles into Gaza, murdering tens of thousands (70% of which have been women and children). If he could, Netanyahu would slaughter all 2,400,000 Palestinians in Gaza! Joe Biden has done nothing to stop the genocide, nor will he do anything as it continues, because Israel controls the USA.

The world will continue to sit back idle as the genocide continues. I wouldn't be surprused if the death toll tops 100,000 before this is all over. There are an estimated 20,000 members of Hamas! At least 16,000 of the dead in Gaza are women and children. How is that eliminating Hamas? Benjamin Netanyahu is a bloodthirsty war criminal, a ruthless killer! He hates God, hates Jesus, hates Christianity, and will murder as many Palestinians as he possibly can.

What saith the Scripture? Revelation 17:18, "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." The Bible says that Jerusalem (that "great city" where the Lord was crucified - Revelation 11:8, "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified") reigns (or, rules) over the kings (nations) of the earth. And by extension, the Luciferian elite control their manmade state of Israel. It was the sinister Rothschild family who put Israel back on the map in 1948, by using the U.S. and British military to drive out 750,000 Palestinians to steal their homes and possessions from them, giving it all to Jewish immigrants.

Biblically we know that true Israel has not existed since 586 BC, when God gave the Jews into the hands of Babylon as judgment for 70 years. According to Hosea 4:5-6 Israel will not exist again as a nation until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This event is depicted in Nebuchadnezzar's dream which the prophet Daniel interpreted by the hand of God. In the dream, the image is made of various metals (Babylon being the head of gold, the most expensive; down to the inexpensive feet and toes of clay mixed with iron, which signifies Communist tyranny mixed with Democracy in the end times). At the end of the dream, a stone (Jesus) cut from the mountain without hands, smashes and destroys the Gentile kingdoms of this world. This symbolizes the time when Jesus Himself will conquer all nations and the Man of Sin (in the Battle of Armageddon), and establish His Kingdom.

Jesus will reign with a rod of iron over the entire earth from the city of Jerusalem for 1,000 years. All saints who were raptured before the Tribulation period will already have their glorified immortal bodies. But all of the saints (people saved during the 7-year Tribulation) who survived the Tribulation will go into the Millennium with their earthly mortal bodies. We will help Christ rule for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:6). I humbly believe that the saints martyred or killed during the Tribulation will be resurrected at Jesus' Second Coming, given their glorified immortal body. Those who are mortal and die during the Millennium will be resurrected at the end of the 1,000 years. I digress.

So, that is a longer answer to your question than you asked, but I think you will appreciate the information. Bible prophecy is fascinating. The Bible contains 31% prophecy; the Muslim Koran contains none.

I do not support Israel today, and I frown on churches that do. I don't like what is called "dispensationalism." Pastor Harry Ironside (1876-1951) said it is an overlay over the Scriptures that allegedly is supposed to help the Bible student understand the Word of God. However, I think dispensationalism is more than a mere overlay, it is doctrine, because it affects how a student views the Scriptures. Cyrus I. Scofield (1843-1921) popularized dispensational teaching, which I reject because it is not found in the Holy Bible. I go along reluctantly when Pastor Max Younce teaches dispensationalism, because he doesn't take it too far, too idolize the Jews. Religious Zionism has its roots in dispensational heresy, emphasizing Israel.

Dispensationalism was used to truck the churches into going along with the slaughter of the Palestinian people in World War II, to invade and steal their homes and give the land to Jews instead. I like to illustrate what happened by using Abraham and Sarah. God promised them a son, but they became impatient. So Sarah contrived a sinful plot for Abraham her husband to impregnate their servant girl, Hagar. I'm sure Abraham had fun too! When Abraham presented the child, Ishmael to God for blessing, God rejected him. God told Abraham that He would bless Ishmael, but he is NOT the son of promise. Abraham and Sarah sinfully took matters into their own hands, instead of waiting for God to keep His promises.

Likewise, the Luciferians took matters into their own hands, rebirthing the manmade nation of Israel. Now they want the churches to recognize and bless Israel, but it is an illegitimate child. God promises to restore Israel when the Jews repent TOWARD GOD (Hosea 3:4-5). Several million Jews have returned to the Promised Land, but they have not yet returned to God. So Israel today is a fraud, a cheap imitation of true Israel, which won't exist again until Jesus comes back after the Tribulation.

I hope that all makes sense. We know that our great and omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient wonderful God reigns over the nations of the earth. Psalms 47:8, "God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness." I am not a pacifist. Sometimes going to war is inevitable, but what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is ungodly vengeance and genocide, not justice or righteousness. Just because a criminal murders your brother, doesn't give you the right to exterminate his entire family. That is exact what Israel is doing right now, murdering a bunch of innocent poor people in retaliation for what a rogue gang of thugs (Hamas) did to them. Sadly, the United States has been 100% complicit in the genocide, which makes me ashamed to be called an American.

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