Thursday, January 4, 2024

Israel Shall Be Trodden Down By The Gentiles

Luke 21:24, “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”

The inspired Holy Bible says that Israel will be trodden down by the Gentile world until Jesus Christ returns at His Second Coming. Present-day Israel has no promise of divine protection from God. Israel could be nuked off the map tomorrow and it would fall within Bible prophecy.

True Israel hasn't existed since 586 BC when God gave them into the hands of the Babylonians. The Jews who weren't killed in a series of three successive military invasions were taken captive into Babylon as slaves for 70 years. Present-day manmade Israel is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Pastor J. Vernon McGee agrees with this truth. Here is an accurate, biblical, gentlemanly and excellent statement from Pastor J. Vernon McGee (1904-1988) concerning why present-day Israel is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy:
“Israel is just like any other nation. Some think they're a little brutal, but my friend, they're on the defense over there, you can be sure of that. And they have to exercise a strong defense system. They're not backing that land in fulfillment of prophecy. They have returned to the land, but they have not yet returned to the Lord. When they return to the Lord there will be blessing. They have not yet done that!

...they went out in 70 A.D. And they actually have never returned to the land according to the Word of God. Now hear me very carefully because this is very important to see. They have returned to the land today, and it's remarkable what has happened over there, but it's not the fulfillment of prophecy, because the prophecy says when they return they'll return TO GOD!”

SOURCE: Dr. J. Vernon McGee; 'THRU-THE-BIBLE'; Hosea 2:19-23 and Hosea 3:4
In his “THRU-THE-BIBLE” commentary for Hosea 3:5, Dr. McGee stresses the truth that there are more Arab Christians in Israel today than there are Jewish Christians. Upon a return trip to visit Israel, Pastor McGee makes the startling comment, “Over there there's no turning to God, at all!” While visiting he saw a big motto in Israel which read: “SCIENCE WILL BRING PEACE TO THIS LAND.” Israel is a Godless nation today! Dr. McGee cites a credible source as saying that there are less than 300 Israelites that are real believers in Israel today! The Russian Catholic Church owns much land in Israel today, as do Greek Orthodox and Muslims. Dr. McGee rightly states, “We're a nation of Biblical ignoramuses! We do not know the Word of God today in this land” (Pastor J. Vernon McGee, THRU-THE-BIBLE, commentary from Hosea 4:1-2).

Hosea 3:5 evidences the fact that Israel's present return to the land is not the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy today. When Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming, and true Israel is returned to the Promised Land, Hosea 3:5 says they will SEEK AND FEAR THE LORD THEIR GOD! Click here if you'd like to listen to Pastor J. Vernon McGee's commentary on Hosea.

Judaism is just as Christless and wicked as Islam. Both Jews and Arabs alike need the dear Savior. What Israel is doing is evil, murdering 22,600 innocent people in Gaza so far. The Zionist controlled U.S.A. will continue to do absolutely NOTHING to stop the genocide of the Palestinians, because America is a proxy for Israel.

The United States is a proxy controlled by Israel. The American media and government are standing by idle while Israel genocides the Palestinian people in Gaza (the death toll has surpassed 22,600 so far). America is being sacrificed on the altar of Zionism. Israel President Benjamin Netanyahu is the most evil monster in the world today! We SUCK as a country.
Please watch this 4 minutes truthful excerpt on Facebook by Scott Ritter.

Israel owns the White House, owns the U.S. newsmedia, owns our government, owns the Pentagon, et cetera; Israel will continue to slaughter the Palestinian people throughout Gaza with impunity. It is shameful how much money our nation spends on bombs and weapons, while millions of human beings starve to death each year. Americans spend close to one trillion dollars on sports, vacations and entertainment each year. Americans spend $50 billion on divorce, another $50 billion of their pets, et cetera. Yet, the poor continue to starve and die. Woe unto the world!

When those 3 men surrendered in Gaza a couple weeks ago, waving a white flag, Israeli soldiers cold-heartedly shot them all dead (making those Israeli soldiers cold blooded murderers). They had no idea that they were murdering 3 Jews in cold blood. That is poetic justice! The sad truth is that many of the Jews in Israel hate the Palestinian people so much, that they even murder people who are surrendering. That is evil to the core.

The sad truth is that Israel will continue to brutally murder thousands more poor people in Palestine with impunity. Since America is a proxy of Israel (they control us), the U.S.A. won't interfere with the genocide. President Joe Biden's lame rhetoric for Israel to aim more precisely with their missiles is merely intended to satisfy the opposition who are angry about the ongoing murders in Gaza, but Biden has no power to do anything to stop the killing. Biden is a puppet on a string. Americans are Israel's whore.

The American media presstitutes are worthless lemmings of a corrupt Satanic system. If that hateful monster Benjamin Netanyahu could get away with it, he'd zealously exterminate all 2,400,000 Arabs in Gaza. I'm sure the death toll will skyrocket much higher. Israel is murdering with impunity and the world is doing absolutely nothing to stop the slaughter. It is genocide. The Bible rings true, which tells us in Revelation 17:18 that Jerusalem is the woman (the whore) that reigns over the kings of the earth. We are seeing this truth unfold before our very eyes. Israel is murdering tens of thousands of people with impunity and immunity, as the world watches in horror and are powerless to change anything.

Dear reader, what we see in Israel today is of the Devil, not a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The phony messiah is coming to phony Israel, to manage his phony kingdom (i.e., the New World Order). When the true Messiah comes, Jesus Christ, He will reign with a rod of iron as King over the earth, from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. We've heard and seen a lot about Israel in the news in recent months. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians, murdering 22,600 so far in cold blood in Gaza, is the Devil's doing. Israel hates the poor people in Palestine and wants to genocide them all, and they are successfully doing it with impunity from the world. In the months and years ahead, you will see the total annihilation of the Palestinian people by Israel, all under the false pretense of justice. What we are seeing today is gross injustice!

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