Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Rapture Versus The Second Coming


There is a growing number of believers who think that both the Rapture Of The Church Age and the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ occur at the same time, and are the very same event. This makes no sense, nor is it biblical.

1.) Scripture itself explains the Rapture Of The Church Age and the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ, as two clearly and completely different events.

RAPTURE — All saved born believers meet the real Jesus Christ of the Bible in the air and clouds just before the satanic Antichrist appears on the global royal red carpet.
SECOND COMING — The real Jesus Christ of the Bible returns bodily, literally & physically on the white horse from heaven to the Mount of Olives (enter the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem City) to set up His 1000 years of kingdom reign on earth.

RAPTURE — The Mount of Olives is unchanged.
SECOND COMING — The Mount of Olives is totally divided and split in two, forming a valley east of Jerusalem.

RAPTURE — All living believers obtain supernatural glorified bodies.
SECOND COMING — Living believers remain in same bodies.

RAPTURE — All believers go to Heaven.
SECOND COMING — Glorified believers come down from Heaven with Jesus Christ and His angelic warriors, and earthly believers stay on earth.

RAPTURE — World is left behind and living in total sin.
SECOND COMING — World is judged and righteousness is established for 1000 years.

RAPTURE — Depicts deliverance of the Church Age from God’s wrath.
SECOND COMING — Depicts deliverance of the Jews who endured wrath.

RAPTURE — NO SIGNS precede it.

RAPTURE — Revealed only in the New Testament. But foreshadowed characters of the Old Testament.
SECOND COMING — Revealed both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

RAPTURE — Deals with only the saved folks.
SECOND COMING — Deals with both the saved folks and unsaved folks.

RAPTURE — Satan remains free.
SECOND COMING — Satan is bound (chained) and thrown into the Abyss (Bottomless Pit) for 1000 years.

Here are many more comparisons, which I am confident if you will honestly take into consideration, you will also conclude a Pretribulation Rapture. ...

Scripture is very clear that the Rapture Of The Church Age and the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ are completely two different & separate events that do not occur at the same time, this would rule out all these Post-Tribulation Rapture, Pre-Wrath Rapture, Mid-Tribulation Rapture, Partial Rapture, and Pan-Out Tribulation scenarios.

If you believe that the UP and the DOWN are one same event, then if everybody is raptured at the end of the Tribulation Period, who is going to populate the earth during the millennial kingdom reign of Jesus Christ? Those who deny a Pretribulation Rapture don’t seem to have an explanation for that.

So let us be watching and ready for Jesus' imminent arrival in the air and clouds at anytime. Praise His holy name forever! To God be all the glory, hallelujah!

The Pretribulation Rapture is indeed the Blessed Hope!

I keep hearing all those folks who deny a Pretribulation Rapture, that it's not an issue worth dividing over, and yet they shove their heresy down our throats more than anyone. There is no argument that Pastor Steven Anderson has done more than anyone to destroy the biblical teaching of a Pretribulation Rapture. And yet, Pastor Anderson is guilty of DATE SETTING, claiming that the Rapture will happen 75 DAYS after the event called THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION (Matthew 24:15).


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