Monday, October 24, 2022

Abuse At Pensacola Christian College

2nd Timothy 4:1-4, “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Our text passage of Scripture sure does apply to this untoward (crooked) generation that we live in today. Everywhere we turn we see the government, schools and now even churches, promoting the satanic gender-bending perversion of the LGBTQ movement in America. God created dam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. God doesn't make mistakes! God created males and females, nothing in between. You were either born as a male or a female, period.

Our text passage of Scripture from 2nd Timothy 4:1-4 warns that in the last days wicked people will no longer endure (put up with) sound doctrine. Sadly, this is the situation in 99% of our churches and Bible colleges today. Pensacola Christian College (PCC) comes to mind right away, who have turned neo-evangelical. Pastor Jack Hyles rightly taught that a Christian fundamentalist is not somebody who believes the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Bible; but rather, it is someone who SEPARATES from those who no longer adhere to the fundamentals of the Bible. PCC is in bed spiritually with the rotten Bob Jones University (BJU) camp.

We are living in woeful times of apostasy in the churches. I was talking to a Christian man yesterday about the pathetic condition of churches today, and the subject of Pensacola Christian College (PCC) came up. He quickly informed me that PCC goes through all the motions of playing church, but there is no genuine love for INDIVIDUAL people. That man is so right, and I told him that he is right!!! PCC is a bad place to be because they look down on certain people. PCC are wicked respecters of persons (James 2:1).

Sadly, they couldn't care less. All that matters to PCC's leadership is that the money keeps coming in, and they will expel any student in a nanosecond, if they think something that particular student has said or done anything that might affect the cult's income. STUDENTS DON'T MEAN CRAP TO PCC!!! The cult system is what matters most, people are expendable. In 2022, PCC and Campus Church are a neo-evangelical cult! They refuse to stand against anything, merely playing church and rearranging deck chairs while the Titanic is sinking. Ichabod has been written by God over the doors of the PCC camp, because they abuse and mistreated the needy 1% instead of loving them as Jesus does!!! PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED, a concept that PCC still hasn't matured in Christ to learn (because they don't want to). When you are as good a Christian as you want to be, you're as good a Christian as you're going to become!!!

At PCC the cult system always comes first, but individual people don't matter. A simple internet search confirms what I say. Sadly, they crap on people at Pensacola Christian College and Campus Church, unless you five undying loyalty to their cult leadership. It is tragic! When you are as good a Christian as you want to be, you're as good a Christian as you're going to become!!!

The leadership at PCC have grown very cold in their hearts over the decades, due to past criticisms, so that now they are thick-skinned and nothing affects them. They relish the praise offered from their cult supporters, so they couldn't care less about the 1% whom they have hurt, mistreated and abused (like me, and also PCC student Samantha Field who was assaulted on PCC's campus by a male student, and then afterwards told by a delusional female staff member to repent herself). PCC has made plenty of enemies because of their self-righteous attitudes, carnal behavior and immature childlike responses to anybody who dares to question or criticize them. There is no godly leadership at PCC, only money-hungry opportunists.

In 2021, I attended Campus Church for a few months. Pastor Jeff Redlin was abusive toward me as a newcomer and divorced person. In my first correspondence with Redlin, I kindly informed him of my ongoing battle with stenosis and radiculitis in my neck and spinal cord. I also shared with him my broken life and painful divorce in 2006, 15 years earlier when my wife divorced me. I told him that I was new to Pensacola and living out of a suitcase in a cheap hotel. I couldn't have been nicer. I had also made a brief mention that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church, since it was such a big place.

To my dismay and broken heart, Pastor Redlin cruelly ignored everything that I had shared with him about my grief, pain and suffering. All he focused on was my single comment about hoping to find a wife, to scold me for it. Redlin said I shouldn't be coming to church to find a wife. But I never said that was my reason for coming to church, he said that, putting words in my mouth that I never said. What Pastor Redlin did was very wicked and immature, condemning me for being lonely for the past 15 years. The email that I sent him was so lengthy that I even apologized because it was so long.

Any genuine man of God would have discerned spiritually that I was a broken and hurting man, who desperately needed God's love, some compassion and understanding. But all that ungodly self-righteous hypocrite wanted to see was my single comment, out of hundreds of comments, that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. Jeff Redlin is a wicked man, with no love or compassion, a phony who puts on a phony masquerade of caring about people, that he doesn't give a damn about. A lot of people are men-praisers in the churches, kissing up to their pastors. Since pastors know this, they behave carefully to get more praise. They carnally go through the motions of doing all the right things to please their followers, saying the right words, and deceiving everyone; but none of what they do is done in God's grace, for if it were, then a genuine love for EVERYONE, and not just the 99% who suck up to them, would matter.

Pastor Redlin had only known me for 2 weeks in July of 2021, but took the shameful liberty to tell me in front of his wife (the guy has no class whatsoever), that he wouldn't perform a wedding if I found a woman to marry. What a jerk! But I never asked him that question. I simply had asked him 10 days earlier if I am welcome at Campus Church as a divorced man who intends ion getting remarried. I wanted to know if I was loved and welcomed at Campus Church. Pastor Redlin totally ignored me for 10 days. I had to personally approach him after church on Sunday morning to ask him when he was going to respond to my email. Jeff Redlin likes to hide because he is a coward, avoiding people that he doesn't like, instead of treating other people the way he wants to be treated. You know, THE GOLDEN RULE (Matthew 7:12). Pastor Redlin abused me emotionally, when he fully knew that my life is broken, my marriage is gone, I was living out of a suitcase in a cheap hotel at the time and I have permanent spinal cord damage that afflicts me 24/7. Redlin couldn't have cared less!!! That is so wrong and rotten of him. This is the shameful senior pastor at Campus Church on the grounds of PCC.

I understand that we are all human and have immaturities, which is exactly why I am still willing to reconcile with the CC camp. Anytime they want to make peace, I promise to remove all my criticisms from social media (the best that I can, because I have made thousands of negative comments against PCC, which they asked for, and I will continue to make thousands more until they choose to do the right thing). I am not trying to return evil for evil, God knows that I am simply doing the only thing that I have left to do, to get their attention at PCC, which is to EXPOSE THEM!!! That is why Samantha Field posted her complaint articles on social media, because PCC the her under the bus. I'll say it again and again until the day that I go to Heaven to be with my blessed Savior... PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED!!! Why won't Campus Church just allow me to come back to Campus Church? Why is PCC leadership silent in this matter? Why doesn't anybody care at the PCC camp?

You had better believe that I am going to make a big fuss, because they are supposed to be a New Testament church! A church is supposed to be a hospital for sinners, not a museum for showoffs with 50-year-marriages and Goody-Two-Shoes like at PCC's Campus Church. They are behaving as a damn cult at PCC, "Us Four And No More," which is why I am exposing them as a cult. People matter! ALL PEOPLE MATTER!!!

On Judgment Day in eternity, no one at PCC or Campus Church will be able to point a finger at me, with their lame excuses why they refused to allow me to attend their church, because God will remind them that I humbly offered 3 times (and still humbly offer) to reconcile and make peace with them, doing whatever they require of me to make the peace. I have already sincerely apologized for criticizing them on social media, but I was waiting to hear back from them before I go through all the work of removing my criticisms.

Why should I go through all that work, just to have them still refuse to let me come back to Campus Church. They refused to meet me half way. They want me to crawl like a dog, without them even being willing to talk with me, and me not know if they'll allow me to return to church. I am NOT sorry for the things I have said, I am sorry that I said them, because I burned my bridge to attend Campus Church. But if this is how they want it, with us being enemies, then I will take every opportunity to expose them for the cult they have become.

Sadly, they are cocky, arrogant and have the typical spoiled rotten American attitude today that is destroying this once great country. There is no humility in Christians anymore, they just don't give a damn about hurting people. PCC is so selfish,, naked, blind and wretched, as a lukewarm church, and they don't even see it (but I do, and God does). Tyranny is rarely recognized expect by those oppressed by it. Jeff Redlin is living large, hording his 6-digit paycheck, which is why he detests me and my website ministry, because I make him look bad. While I am faithfully contending for the faith, the pastors of Campus Church are doing absolutely NOTHING to fight the good fight of faith. They have dropped the ball for Jesus! They are merely playing church. Kindly said, Jeff Redlin's sermons are utterly boring. When I attended Campus Church in 2021, I watched dozens of young people playing with their mobile devices instead of listening to Redlin bloviate about Man's Work Ethic in Relation To God. I think I'd find more interest in reading Chilton car repair manuals. PCC is lifeless! They sing a bunch of religious music at Campus Church and call it "heaven on earth" (literally that is what Assistant Pastor Timothy Zacharias called Campus Church in August of 2021), but it is nothing more than a self-deluded religious cult of pompous, snobs who look down on lesser sinners.

Pastor Jeff Redlin couldn't care less about me as a human being, because he is carnally-minded. Redlin has the people at PCC and Campus Church fooled, because he plays his cards just right, playing church real good; but the power of the Holy Spirit is not there. God will not bless a pastor, church or college that throws hurting people under the bus. And to PROVE my sincerity in the matter, if PCC were to contact me today, to offer to reconcile, I would gladly remove all my criticism from social media against them. That is what I wanted to do in June, July and August of 2022. I humbly wrote three separate letters, and mailed them to Campus Church and PCC separately, so PCC's leaders couldn't claim ignorance at some later date. PCC's leaders are complicity to Pastor Jeff Redlin's ungodly attitude and behavior.

I am not preaching against the PCC camp because I hate them. God knows that I love them, immensely. I love everybody with God's unconditional love. It is the principle of the matter. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) taught me properly to always root for the underdog. Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is just like Walmart, Google, Amazon, Facebook and other very large mega companies. Those companies have so many loyal customers that they literally ignore the 1% of their customers who have been mistreated and want something done about it.

The days of small Ma and Pa family stores, where the customer was always right, are forever GONE! PCC is too big for their britches, and only God can knock them on their rear. PCC needs to be humbled. When individual people are expendable in a so-called church and Bible college, and pastors ban hurting people who are begging to come back to church, something is VERY WRONG!!! I offered (and am still offering) to do whatever PCC and Campus Church require to make peace with them, but they sadly don't care because they are laughing at my tiny website and words on social media, compared to their Goliath of an institution.

But thankfully, God is not a respecter of persons, and the Lord sees my heart and utter sincerity. God also sees that Jeff Redlin is a little man, with a small heart, who is tragically the pastor of a very large church. The problem is not that Campus s Church is to BIG, it is that Pastor Jeff Redlin's heart is too SMALL. Again, I am still willing to make pace with the PCC camp, whenever they humble themselves to get right with God. The longer they wait, the more I am going to preach from my broken and hurting heart against them. All of my articles and preaching against PCC and Campus Church is 100% their doing alone, because they refuse to reconcile with their Christian brother who is pleading for their love.

Clearly, they don't have any love, just like they threw Samantha File under the bus and drove over her. It is bad enough that she was assaulted sexually at PCC campus, but then PCC leadership blames her and tells her that she first needs to repent (and let the matte go). I am just A VOICE! But I am A VOICE. I am just another one of HUNDREDS of hurting victim's voices crying out to God, just as God heard the voices crying out of that wicked city of Sodom, for the Lord to punish PCC for their arrogance, woeful lack of compassion for individuals people, and their ongoing carnal refusal to reconcile with me as their Christian brother. SHAME on Pensacola Christian College! SHAME on the pastors of Campus Church! SHAME on all of you!!!

I am willing to reconcile when PCC is. Until then, we will remain enemies by their choosing alone. I am trying to make peace with them, but they are too proud to forgive me. God sees my heart. My promise to remove all my criticisms is conditional upon Campus Church allowing me to return to Campus Church. I am not trying to threaten them, God knows my heart, I just need to know that they care about me as a human being. I dare them to prove my accusations wrong, by forgiving me and letting me come back to their church. But if not, no one can honestly blame me for calling PCC "a cult."

PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED!!! That is all I have ever wanted from the pastors at Campus Church, to know that they care about me as a divorced man. I never expected Jeff Redlin to agree with my theology, of course not. But I did hope that he would look beyond my ministry an faults, and see a hurting broken man who just needs to be loved by some pastors. I even told pastor Redlin these things in July of 2021, to help him along, so that he knew exactly what I needed from him as a pastor; but he sadly threw me under the bus instead, treating me like garbage as a divorced person, just like the wicked "Lordship Salvation" cult did at the wicked Harvest Baptist Church on Guam between 2014 and 2011 (when I moved away from Guam to Pensacola).

The Bible foretold in 2nd Timothy 4:1-4 in Bible prophecy that apostate times would come, and they sure have! The churches are pathetic today. I recently heard a local Baptist pastor in Pensacola tell his church congregation, that it is NOT the church's responsibility to go soulwinning. Unbelievable! That pastor teaches his congregation that The Great Commission is only for individual believers, and not the church. I'm not kidding! Kindly said, that pastor refuses to organize any type of church soulwinning. His poor attitude is that if the church doesn't grow, it is the individual church members faults for not going soulwinning (on their own during the week). Meanwhile, the church has no scheduled time to go knocking on doors in the community to preach the Gospel. That is so wrong and tragic. No wonder that Baptist church hasn't grown in 10 years!!! And it never will grow until the pastor starts teaching and organizing his people to go soulwinning as a group. It is true that individual Christians need to share the Gospel with others in our personal life, but one of the main duties of every New Testament church is to go soulwinning (Acts 20:20).

God sees all this mess, and I know that I am in the right, because I TOLD THE TRUTH. Romans 3:4, "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." PCC can say whatever they want about me, but God KNOWS that I am still trying to make peace with them, and am willing to do whatever they require to do so. I don't think I could be any more reasonable. Am I casting my pearl before swine? It does seem to be so, but PCC's behavior will make that determination. PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED. I love you all in Jesus Christ our blessed Lord and dear Savior.

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