Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How The Evil Federal Reserve Is Necessitating Communism In America

I read today on Alex Jones' truth-telling Infowars.com website that Kamala Harris has called for price controls. We will very likely see grocery rationing within several years. (By the way, if you have any difficulty accessing Infowars because of security screens blocking you, just use Incognito Mode. For Google, simply press Ctrl + Shift + N to open Incognito screen, and then enter your url into the address bar and hit enter.)

College students attend a university for 4 years to understand how economics and markets work, and yet they continually debate with differing philosophies on what is wrong with the U.S. economy and how to fix it.

But I don't need a degree in economics to see that the Federal Reserve is as evil and crooked as a dog's hind leg. They are neither "federal" nor is there any gold "reserve" anymore (not since President Nixon took our U.S. dollar off the Gold Standard).

The Federal Reserve is a classic Ponzi Scheme, which to avoid collapsing requires more continual reckless debt spending by our irresponsible complicit U.S. federal government. Such exuberant overspending causes inflation to rise (the more money they print, the less value it has, and then things cost more), which is why food and rent today are unaffordable for many Americans.

Consequently, the dire situation has become so bad nationwide that Marxists like Kamala Harris have said if elected she will implement PRICE CONTROLS for food and rent. Although this move to limit prices is absolutely necessary (so people can survive), it wouldn't be necessary if it weren't for the criminal Federal Reserve scam and our complicit treasonous government who have allowed this injustice since 1913 (when the ungodly 'Federal Reserve Act' was passed over a quiet Christmas weekend when most of Congress was absent).
Although price controls are necessary, it is COMMUNISM (taking from the rich to give to the poor).

Russian dictator Karl Marx summed up communism with one statement: "Abolition of private property." You see, with property ownership comes rights! When citizens can no longer afford to buy and own property and a home, they don't benefit from the accompanying legal rights which come with property ownership. The ultimate goal of communism is total control over the people.

Senator Ted Cruz' wise father Rafael Cruz grew up under Fidel Castro in Cuba. Listen to his Dad's wisdom.

The federal government couldn't care less about homosexual rights, all they care about is CONTROLLING THE PEOPLE. Mr. Rafael Cruz rightly said what is happening in America now is the SAME evil that happened to communist Cuba in the past. This is all about the DESTRUCTION OF THE TRADITIONAL FAMILY, preparing the masses of society to embrace the Man of Sin (Antichrist) when he comes.

We read in the Scripture from Daniel 11:37b that the coming Antichrist will “magnify himself above all else.” That is, the Man of Sin will worship HIMSELF! This is the very religion of Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (aka, “Lady Gaga”).

Tragically, government has become our God in the United States. The Satanic powers working behind the scenes choose who we can vote for. They choose how expensive everything is. They control real wages. They control the narrative and newsmedia. They indirectly control nearly every major facet of our lives. This is all preparatory steps to ready the world for the coming Beast System of Antichrist.

As time progresses we're going to see a Cashless Control Grid implemented. Hard currency will go away. A.I. technology will explode in popularity, from Amazon deliveries to police surveillance. Some amazing technologies are now being developed; such as, water-powered automobiles (Elon Musk has already made one), much more efficient solar panels, restoring damaged nerves in the human body, growing body parts in a lab, incredible drones, et cetera. The ARGUS drone can remain in the sky for several months, hovering 20,000 feet in the air, and can zoom in with astounding visual camera accuracy from 4.5 miles away.

We will also see horrifying chimeras abominations! Scientists have been playing God for decades. U.S. scientists have developed a new much more powerful and efficient nuclear bomb (as if they weren't deadly enough already). Yet, amidst such amazing discoveries and advancements in technology, there's increasing homelessness, rising inflation, government corruption and unprecedented immoral rot in American society. We're going backwards as we move forward. God only knows where the world is headed. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

It is not a mere coincidence that women are being forced into the workplace for families to survive. This has reduced the number of children families are having. This has caused workplace adultery, marriage tension and millions of divorces. Everything is a double-edged sword. It is not a mere coincidence that U.S. judges removed and banned the inspired Holy Bible (THE GOOD BOOK) from children's daily curriculum in all government (public) schools since 1962. The Devil has an agenda!

Monday, September 2, 2024

I Humbly Do Not Think Donald Trump Is The Antichrist

Revelation 13:3, “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

A blog visitor just send me our text Bible verse today, alluding that Donald Trump is the Antichrist because his head was wounded in the attempted assassination. I humbly disagree. Mr. Trump only has one head...lol. Zechariah 11:17 says the Antichrist's right eye shall be utterly darkened. I'm not sure what that means, perhaps a military injury. This is why the entertainment industry incessantly covers the right eye, to show their allegiance to Satan...

I've had people tell me that they once didn't believe in God, but then they saw all this allegiance to Satan which convinced them that if the Devil is real, then God must be real too.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Mr. Trump is the Antichrist. My understanding of the Scripture is that no one will be able to identify the Man of Sin until he actually appears and rises to power during the Tribulation period.

Having said that, it is painfully clear to me that Mr. Trump is not what he appears to be. 
I do not fully trust Mr. Trump. He openly lied about becoming a Christian in 2016, likely just because he doesn't truly understanding how to be saved. We don't get to Heaven by "being good," but by having Christ's goodness imputed to us by faith (Philippians 3:9).

I read that during World War II, over 85% of German churches fully rallied behind Adolf Hitler. I don't doubt it. I remember back in 2008 being utterly disgusted after President George W. Bush invaded Iraq and murdered 1,455,590 innocent people, and wicked Alaskan governor Sarah Palin said Bush was doing "God's will."

Just like that wicked woman Nikki Haley, who was photographed signed the bombs which were being used to murder over 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza. Miss Haley is sickening—a hardcore racist Zionist hellbent on genocide against the Palestinian people. That is Satan, not God's unconditional love and The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12).

I would rather see Mr. Trump in the White House than that demon fool Kamala Harris. She said this week that if elected she will close the southern border. Unreal. She is a real bitch! Excuse the French. For 4 years she did absolutely nothing to stop millions of criminals from flooding into our country, but now to get re-elected she is pretending to care about the border. I love Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

How The Evil Federal Reserve Is Necessitating Communism In America

I read today on Alex Jones' truth-telling Infowars.com website that Kamala Harris has called for price controls. We will very likely see...